  • Seeds, Bulbs & Skin: It’s What’s Inside That Counts
  • Charla Jones
  • MindulfnessSkin Moisturizer
Seeds, Bulbs & Skin: It’s What’s Inside That Counts

There’s always a lot of buzz this time of year about the many ways to spring forward, as life strives to break through anew in all its forms—within bulbs and seeds, as well as inside of ourselves.

And what is inside, exactly? It’s one of the great questions of life.

As the amazing bioethicist and surgeon Dr. Sherwin Nuland wrote,

“The constant sea within
    maintains the constancy within.”

As gardeners and physicians alike consider this question with great zest, it’s interesting that moisture plays a leading role for both in determining the quality of life’s outcomes. 

Bulbs, seeds and even skin are powerful containers, and whether our hopes for life spring eternal depends upon their ability to thrive in two environments—the one within and the one outside.

The precious content of what lies within the seed is safely protected by its outer coat. In a conducive environment, and with the right moisture, seeds undertake the miraculous germinating process. 

And just like a seed’s protective coating, our skin is the body’s actual protection, and I believe daily care of skin protects the balance of our inner life, where we integrate and coordinate our complex narratives or pieces.

For the seed or the skin, the whole enterprise is how we sustain beauty and life, as we delicately balance the “sea within” while protectively sustaining immunity against adverse conditions on the outside.

In the coming weeks—as the germinating seeds absorb April showers in anticipation of life breaking through—we too must take measures to nourish the beauty within ourselves that yearns to break through.

The zenith of our potential isn’t always obtained by feverish activity. Taking just 5 minutes for yourself during the care of what protects you—hydrating your skin—will keep your inner life breaking through and calming the sea within. 

So what’s inside? Precious content, your beauty, your inner life. Can we just pause to appreciate the sheer magnificence of this?

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  • Charla Jones
  • MindulfnessSkin Moisturizer

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