  • Rhythm & Blues and the Beauty Within
  • Charla Jones
  • BeautyInspirationMindulfness
Rhythm & Blues and the Beauty Within
Sao Paulo street art Guitar man graffiti by Chris Daze Ellis

These blogs and emails don’t write themselves—they’re a labor of love, designed to encourage a new beauty mindset, with relevance beyond mirrors and makeup.

For Eu2Be, I see beauty as a creative force of its own, with you and your body at its center. 

I believe beauty is an inside job, and so my search for what to write often starts with me reflecting upon the ways beauty turns up in my own inner life.

Recently, when I found myself reliving the sheer joy I felt while watching music move the eminent David L. Evans—as we all sang along with the Kuumba Singers of Harvard during The Hutchins Center W.E.B. Du Bois Medal Ceremony—it started me thinking, why is this?

How is it that music has such influence and immediate power to move us?

Like beauty, there’s nothing superficial about music. It’s far more than an instrument of entertainment.

Just think of your own significant life milestones and moments that are accompanied by music or sound. We can’t help but associate certain songs with events and periods of our lives.

Exhibit A: Music is part of every human culture. Even before Darwin began to connect human civilizations and cultures, the influential connection between music and our mind was long suspected. 

“One does not need to be particularly ‘musical’ to enjoy and respond to music at the deepest levels. Music is part of being human, and there is no human culture in which it is not highly developed and esteemed.“

— Oliver Sacks

Now, thanks to the power of technology, there’s evidence that music not only works on our brain, but that different types of music influence the brain in different ways. Music stimulates more parts of the brain than any other human function... Wow.

In the 1990s a young South African scientist, Sheila Woodward, conducted studies   confirming that our relationship with music starts as early as the womb.

Babies can hear music, and their bodies respond to it. Melodic music can lower their heart rates, while stressful music can quicken them. And the tonal differences of male and female voices can be detected by the fetus in the womb.

What fascinates me the most is how nature decided to attune our beings with indelible beats and rhythms even at nascent stages of our development.

These neurological affects even give hope to how music might one day be used to help and heal stroke victims and Alzheimer's patients.

Music’s physical effects are undeniable—it moves us, penetrates our bodies and stirs our emotions. We are hard-wired to respond to music.

So let’s do two things to keep its power alive from within:

  1. Let’s be sure to attune ourselves to the rhythms and beats that lift us up and carry us along, because there is beauty and power in music.
  2. Secondly, let’s support local talent and the artists who strive to make music.

Here’s a praiseful shout-out to the amateurs and the protégés who intuitively go where the music leads them—and to the famed musicians who use their stage and their song to benefit our lives or make change in our world.

These blessed beings use their craft to engage our bodies in ways that no other art form does. Music isn’t just powerful—it is a journey to beauty. So turn it up and turn it on!


Photo of the street artwork by Chris Daze Ellis, Sao Paulo 2013, shot by Eu2Be founder and CEO Charla Jones.

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  • Charla Jones
  • BeautyInspirationMindulfness

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