  • 'Tis the Season of Green Beauty
  • Charla Jones
'Tis the Season of Green Beauty
The exquisite green beauty of pine boughs!

This is the season when there’s plenty of green to go around — in our celebration of life, growth, renewal, and in our appreciation of nature itself.

And yet we all have those moments when our self-esteem can take a hit, or we associate being green with being envious. It’s definitely the season to press the “Reset” button on those ideas.

In truth, being your best self is closer than you think, so there’s no cause for envy when there's so much green around this time of year. Our senses can be beautifully indulged with the season’s sights and smells of lush green garlands, trees, wreaths — and dare I mention, the lush green scent of the Curupira??

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But this is also the season when self-care is the first thing we sacrifice, usually in the interest of time, and without recognizing how being in touch with ourselves through the simple act of caring for our skin enhances our sense of renewal and wellbeing.

That’s as much a part of Eu2Be’s “empowering self-care mission as it is the thought behind our signature Curupira Candle scent, embodying the ancient green lushness of the rain forest and the protective energy of the mythical Curupira of Brazilian folklore, mysterious defender of the forests.

I say embrace green aplenty and put any discontents to work for the greater good. We each must do our part by sharing our GREENbacks with our favorite charities and non-profits, because being green is a beautiful gift that gives back all around.

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  • Charla Jones

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