Be Deliberate.

The smallest touch can have tremendous impact in taking care of yourself.

The world is truly a marvelous place "2Be"—even with all its distractions. And our bodies sense a belonging to the physical realm, as St. Augustine so pointedly observed: 

“Men go forth to wonder at the heights of mountains, the huge waves of the sea, the broad flow of the rivers, the vast compass of the oceans, the courses of the stars, and they pass by themselves without the slightest wondering.”

This seems especially true today—and even more so as we prepare for the official deluge of consumer brand advertising that has become so much a part of the Thanksgiving weekend.

Come next Friday, it's all hands on deck—busy hands, helping hands, and my favorite, creative hands. Biologist Jacob Bronowski called the hand “the cutting edge of the mind.”

If this is so, then turning our attention to our hands can unveil the story of what we value—defined as much by the grasp of our reach as by what we hold near and dear.

While you’re using your hands to create beauty in the world—delicious meals, imaginative crafts and gifts or hand-written notes to loved ones—let your hands guide your attention back to your wondrous self. You may well gain profound insights about who you are and inspire more than “the slightest wondering.”

So be deliberate. Don’t just butter up the turkey—be sure to spend more time on your own skin than with the bird!

I thought a great deal about the role of our hands in rituals. Eu2Be Nourishing Skin Care products were designed to give you the upper hand in the care of your skin. From quality ingredients—that give your skin the moisture and nutrients it needs—to application, you deserve a luxurious skin care experience. 

Because the smallest touch can have tremendous impact. 
Happy Thanksgiving!

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