  • Earth to Mars: In Search of the Hot New Magic Skin Care Ingredient
  • Charla Jones
Earth to Mars: In Search of the Hot New Magic Skin Care Ingredient

As the pendulum of life swings toward summer, we find ourselves trying to recalibrate to June’s relentless yet playful drumbeat:

  • Am I where I wanted 2Be at this point in the year?
  • Am I making the most of my time?
  • And what summer plans need firming up?

In just a couple of weeks, our days will be brightened by the solstice’s cathedral of light, the sun will beg for our indulgence and the delicate skin of stone fruits will entice our appetites for summer's sweetness.

But tending the garden of life as an entrepreneur won out over blogging in these last few weeks:

  • Feeding the roots of friendships forged at WWD's Beauty CEO Summit in Palm Beach
  • Fertilizing new relationships as an official sponsor of Folio: Top Women in Media (http://www.foliomag.com/go/top-women-in-media/)
  • Mulching the ground of worthy causes: https://www.elliefund.org/5-for-ellie/

It's hard to get around how much we feel at war within ourselves.

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Our bodies alight at the pull of the natural world — yet our inner voices declare there’s no time to pause, for we must be fruitful, too.

Perhaps it’s always been this way, the war within.

Mars, the god of war, has been part of our psyche for centuries. In an earlier time, we understood Mars as an energy of fertility and renewal, which puts a positive spin on the conflict inherent with change.

At WWD's Beauty CEO Summit, for example, we used Mars as a motif to reveal the hidden truth about the industry’s penchant for magic ingredients:

Who among us isn’t guilty of vigorously pursuing magic? We don’t just crave magic, we need its transformative experiences.

At Eu2Be, we place the body at the center of our attention because our bodies connect us to the earth — not Mars — and our skin care ritual is one of our most powerful connections to experiencing our beauty from within.

Astronauts spend years preparing and training their bodies and minds for the experience and magic of being in space, but an uncanny thing happens when they get there and look back at earth.

The big reveal of “the overview effect” — when an astronaut is in her skin inside her life-preserving suit hovering between infinity and the Earth — is a deeply profound, spiritual experience of the ineffable beauty and oneness between the cosmos, earth and humanity.

Just think about this for a minute: Despite our most elaborate preparations, the biggest moments that await us are ones for which we cannot fully prepare.

And I believe the same beauty and connection is here for us on Earth.

Beyond the protective covering of our own skin lies a world within — brimming with life and beauty that connects us with the physical world, the cosmos — and our humanity.

The true magic ingredient in skin care isn’t peptides, oxides or cosmic dust — it’s the simple daily act of care for our most precious of protective layers. Our skin.

See our natural skincare reviews and customer testimonials.
Or shop now for Eu2Be's natural skincare products.

  • Charla Jones

Reader Comments ( 1 )

  • Jul 22, 2020

    Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

    — pbdxfvxtgz

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